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Pitagora – Customer Experience Goes Digital Thanks to Video Interaction and DTM

30 November 2020

Success Stories: Companies Relate their Experiences in the Digital Transformation.

“The goal of Pitagora is to offer its customers and its network the full gamut of available channels. We want to reach customers where they are. Today, we have the option of utilizing each and every available digital channel. Multi-channel access is indispensable at Pitagora”.
Fabio Capra, Director of Operations for Pitagora S.p.a. The company aims to reach all of its customers using their preferred channel of communication.

Foundation, objectives, possibilities. Pitagora’ path has been a provident one which began in mid-2019, when the pandemic had not yet accelerated the demand for digital services. “We want to offer our customer a fully digital process, and in the back office, we want to be totally paperless. The goal is a 360-degree digital approach”.

The Turinese company, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, offers consumer-credit services, making it possible for families and individuals to purchase the goods and services of their choice. The company boasts 78 branches and 250 agents across Italy. Customer experience is, unsurprisingly, the cornerstone at Pitagora.

“We pay close attention to technological evolutions to make sure we are keeping pace with the times”, continued Fabio Capra. “In recent years, we have taken a closer approach to web-based offerings. The internet has reshaped our customer base, leading us increasingly toward automated digital products. In-house, we use fully digital and automated workflows. We also developed an app to interact with our customers, and built a brand-new website. We keep a close eye on new technologies, and we try to keep pace with developments in technology and in the digital sphere.”

Customer Care and a Focus on Technology. Over the course of last year, these twin goals prompted Pitagora, in collaboration with Intesa, to digitize its customers’ experience.
Now, Pitagora offers a video-interaction service that allows businesses to provide customer-service remotely through a Digital Transaction Management process with e-signature functionality, and a video-selfie system to ensure proper identification at the signature phase.
This innovation will allow the company to reach new customers remotely, and to expand the types of customers that access services, while intensifying the availability of its network across Italy: “Technology allows us complete coverage, and rapid-response times with customers, even in those areas not served by a local office”.

“During the first phase, new processes and systems will be coupled with the old management model. This will allow us to go fully paperless in the very near future,” continues the director. “We understand that the digital transformation represents a paradigm shift within society at large.” This is a change that requires understanding and leadership, both for the front and the back office. “This process has been one of the greatest challenges we’ve faced. Our sales network had been used to a primarily in-person approach. Now, with the new digital tools they have available, they have a new way of interacting with their customer base – they are beginning to intuit the ways technology might streamline their work. In-house, the paperless process has revolutionized how those in customer financing do their jobs. There is no doubt that the pandemic has sharply accelerated this shift, increasing the demand from our sales network for tools to reach customers. More proof that these tools have become more than a convenience, they’ve become a necessity.”

How has your collaboration with Intesa worked out? What led you to choose us as a solution? “When we started working with Intesa, we immediately were put at ease by the team, and by the solutions they offered. Professional and prepared, the staff at Intesa provided us customized digital solutions, and worked with us to design our processes.”

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